Why have boring, flat business cards when you could emboss them! Simply feed in your card, turn the handle, and see your cards take on a 3rd dimension - textured and tactile, embossed with your chosen image.
The alignment 'bar' set into the rollers makes setup fool proof. Rotate the rollers until the bars are together so they provide a flat edge to press your card against, then just turn the handle - it'll make sense when you have the embosser to hand, I promise!
What's included:
1 x Handle
1 x Business Card Embosser
If you don't see an image that suits your needs or you'd like to request a customised image (for example, your own logo), get in touch, we're happy to help.
This product was designed by Filar3D and I am licensed to sell.
Business Card Embosser - 3D Printed